Training Packages

This web page gives a brief commentary on one UK school's experience of training in Peer Support.


Some schools organise and deliver their own training. Where this is effective, it relies on a very considerable commitment from staff and the occasional free visitor. "Home-grown" schemes can suffer some disadvantages, in that finding existing staff with a wide enough range of expertise and associated good will can be difficult; the scheme can also be rather cut-off from the wider community (geographically and philosophically). Also, the usual cynic's rules apply: that nothing in life comes free; that nothing worth doing is ever easy; that there's never enough time; that people who volunteer too readily get worn out!

If you do decide to take this route, I hope this site, and the resources it links to, will be useful to you. (You are free to use this material, with the usual stipulation that you may not use or distribute it for profit without prior permission from the author/s). If you do use it, I would really appreciate feedback on what you found helpful, plus any ideas on improving the site.

A Tailor-Made Package for Your Staff to Deliver

With this option we can provide you, via consultation with your staff about your particular needs, with a course structure and all relevant materials to deliver your course. Materials can be based on half-day, whole-day or twilight (typically an hour and a quarter) sessions. They can be provided in written format with questionnaires, sentence-completion, games and role-play exercises, etc. Key learning points can be summarised in Powerpoint, if desired. Some material can be made available on video: it is especially useful for students to learn about listening skills, and to explore how spoken language and non-verbal behaviours (body language) intertwine to create tentative meanings. These exercises in observation and self-awareness are equally valid for adult educators, too!

A Typical Training Package from Peer Support Training

We can provide you with properly trained and qualified tutors to deliver your establishment's training, or to "kick-start" it - after which your staff take over, with an option for regular consultation and evaluation from ourselves. If you opt for the former, here is an outline of what you might expect. Prices are quoted on an individual basis, since requirements can vary widely.